Report NameDescription
Suspicious Objects Filtering TrendExtract Suspicious Objects Filtering Trend from Virtual Analyzer logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Suspicious Object Analysis (Virtual Analyzer)
  • Suspicious Object Filtering (Virtual Analyzer)


Virtual Analyzer Logs

Click the image to enlarge.

Report NameDescription
Top N Applications VisitedExtract Top N Applications from Internet Access logs

Top Apps Visited

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N URL Categories VisitedExtract Top N URL Categories from Internet Access logs

Top URL Catergories

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Sites VisitedExtract Top N Sites from Internet Access logs

Top Sites Visited

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users by RequestsExtract Top N Users by Requests from Internet Access logs

Top Users by Requests

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Departments by RequestsExtract Top N Departments by Requests from Internet Access logs

Top Depertments by Requests

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N URL Categories by Browse TimeExtract Top N URL Categories by Browse Time from Internet Access logs

Top N URL Categories by Browse Time

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Sites Visited by Browse TimeExtract Top N Sites Visited by Browse Time from Internet Access logs

Top N Sites Visited by Browse Time

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users by Browse TimeExtract Top N Users by Browse Time from Internet Access logs

Top N Users by Browse Time

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N URL Categories by TrafficExtract Top N URL Categories by Traffic from Internet Access logs

Top N URL Categories by Traffic

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Applications by TrafficExtract Top N Applications by Traffic from Internet Access logs

Top N Applications by Traffic

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users by TrafficExtract Top N Users by Traffic from Internet Access logs

Top N Users by Traffic

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Departments by TrafficExtract Top N Departments by Traffic from Internet Access logs

Top N Departments by Traffic

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Sites by TrafficExtract Top N Sites by Traffic from Internet Access logs

Top N Sites by Traffic

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Gateway Locations by TrafficExtract Top N Gateway Locations by Traffic from Internet Access logs

Top N Gateway Locations by Traffic

Click the image to enlarge.

Total Traffic by DateExtract Total Traffic by Date from Internet Access logs

Total Traffic by Date

Click the image to enlarge.

Report TypeDescription
Top N URL Categories ViolatedExtract Top N URL Categories from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Approved URLs/Blocked URLs
  • Web Reputation Service
  • URL Filtering
  • True file type
  • MIME Type
  • File Extension Name
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Anti Botnet
  • Application Control
  • Data Loss Prevention

Top N URL Categories Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Applications ViolatedExtract Top N Applications from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Approved URLs/Blocked URLs
  • Web Reputation Service
  • URL Filtering
  • True file type
  • MIME Type
  • File Extension Name
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Anti Botnet
  • Application Control
  • Data Loss Prevention

Top N Applications Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users ViolatedExtract Top N Users from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Approved URLs/Blocked URLs
  • Web Reputation Service
  • URL Filtering
  • True file type
  • MIME Type
  • File Extension Name
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Anti Botnet
  • Application Control
  • Data Loss Prevention

Top N Users Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Departments ViolatedExtract Top N Departments from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Approved URLs/Blocked URLs
  • Web Reputation Service
  • URL Filtering
  • True file type
  • MIME Type
  • File Extension Name
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Anti Botnet
  • Application Control
  • Data Loss Prevention

Top N Departments Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Sites ViolatedExtract Top N Sites from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Approved URLs/Blocked URLs
  • Web Reputation Service
  • URL Filtering
  • True file type
  • MIME Type
  • File Extension Name
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Anti Botnet
  • Application Control
  • Data Loss Prevention

Top N Sites Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Gateway Locations ViolatedExtract Top N Gateway Locations from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Approved URLs/Blocked URLs
  • Web Reputation Service
  • URL Filtering
  • True file type
  • MIME Type
  • File Extension Name
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Anti Botnet
  • Application Control
  • Data Loss Prevention

Top N Gateway Locations Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Malware Spyware DetectionExtract Top N Malware Spyware from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Top N Malware Spyware Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Malicious Sites ViolatedExtract Top N Malicious Sites from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Web Reputation Service
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Anti Botnet
  • Ransomware

Top N Malicious Sites Violated

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Botnet DetectionExtract Top N Botnet from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti Botnet

Top N Botnet Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users by Botnet DetectionExtract Top N Users by Botnet from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti Botnet

Top N Users by Botnet Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users by Malware Spyware DetectionExtract Top N Malware Spyware from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Top N Users by Malware Spyware Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Users by Malicious Site DetectionExtract Top N Users by Malicious Site from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Web Reputation Service
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Anti Botnet
  • Ransomware

Top N Users by Malicious Site Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Departments by Malware Spyware DetectionExtract Top N Departments by Malware Spyware from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Top N Departments by Malware Spyware Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Departments by Malicious Site DetectionExtract Top N Departments by Malicious Site from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Web Reputation Service
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Anti Botnet
  • Ransomware

Top N Departments by Malicious Site Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Top N Gateway Locations by Malware Spyware DetectionExtract Top N Gateway Locations by Malware Spyware from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Top N Gateway Locations by Malware Spyware Detection

Click the image to enlarge.

Malicious Sites Detected by DateExtract Malicious Sites Detected by Date from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Web Reputation Service
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Anti Botnet
  • Ransomware

Malicious Sites Detected by Date

Click the image to enlarge.

Malwares Spywares Detected by DateExtract Malwares Spywares Detected by Date from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Malwares Spywares Detected by Date

Click the image to enlarge.

Malware Spyware Detection TrendExtract Malware Spyware Detection Trend from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Malware Spyware Detection Trend

Click the image to enlarge.

Malware Spyware Detection Trend by DepartmentExtract Malware Spyware Detection Trend by Department from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Malware Spyware Detection Trend by Department

Click the image to enlarge.

Malware Spyware Detection Trend by Gateway LocationExtract Malware Spyware Detection Trend by Gateway Location from Policy Enforcement logs that match any of the following "Reason for Action" types:
  • Anti-malware
  • Unscannable files
  • Predictive Machine Learning
  • Ransomware

Malware Spyware Detection Trend by Gateway Location

Click the image to enlarge.