
The GEO Locator database comes from a third-party company called MaxMind, which specializes in geolocation. The company builds a global IP address location database by overlaying geographic user data onto a map of the Internet's infrastructure. Trend Micro TippingPoint provides a GEO Locator database in the familiar .pkg file format. The database is updated monthly and is available from the Threat Management Center (TMC).

NOTE: Beginning with SMS v5.1.0, the GEO database can be downloaded automatically. Prior versions of SMS must be downloaded and installed manually. The GEO locator database is only available via the SMS.


  1. Login to the TMC and download the most current GEO Locator database file from Releases > Software > SMS > GEO Location to the local PC.
  2. Log in to the SMS from a client.
  3. Navigate to the Admin > Geo Locator Database tab on the SMS toolbar.
  4. Within the Geo Locator Database area of the Geo Locator Database screen, click the Import button. 
  5. Locate the database file that was just downloaded and click OK to Import.


Reference: SMS User Guide