
To manually uninstall SPLX 3.0, do the following:

  1. If you have registered the SPLX server to Trend Micro Control Manager (TMCM), unregister it by doing either of the following:
    • Unregister it from the TMCM console
    • Run the following command on the SPLX server:

      # cd /opt/Trendmiro/SProtectLinux/SPLX.util/
      # ./CMconfig

  2. Terminate the following processes using the kill, pkill, or killall command if they are running:
    • splx
    • splxcore
    • entity
    • vsapiapp
    • splxhttpd
    • virus_catch_monitor
  3. Unload the kernel hook module:

    # /sbin/rmmod -f splxmod

  4. Delete the SPLX scripts:

    # rm /etc/init.d/splx

    # rm /etc/init.d/splxhttpd

    # rm /etc/init.d/splxcore

  5. Delete the SPLX program directory:

    # rm -rf /opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux

  6. Delete the SPLX log directory:

    # rm -rf /var/log/TrendMicro

  7. Delete the cron table settings file:

    # rm /etc/cron.d/splx

    # rm /etc/cron.d/splxbif

  8. Delete the SPLX device files:

    # rm /dev/splxdev

    Note: The device files are normally deleted when the kernel hook module is unloaded.

  9. If you are using KDE, delete the following shortcuts:
    • Trend Micro ServerProtect for Linux on the desktop
    • Start Applications Menu > System or System Tools > Trend Micro ServerProtect
  10. Open the /etc/ file and delete the following line:


  11. Remove the SPLX entry from the RPM database:

    # rpm -e SProtectLinux --justdb

  12. Restart the operating system.