
Do the following for a Redhat distribution:

This procedure is tested only with Postgresql 7.x.
  1. Install these packages:
    • postgresql-server
    • postgresql
    • postgresql-odbc
    • postgresql-libs
  2. Install IWSS for Linux and then select No when asked if you want install the default database.
  3. Apply the latest IWSS patches and do not start the daemons yet.
  4. Rename the /etc/iscan/Postgresql to mv /etc/iscan/Postgresql /etc/iscan/Postgresql.bak.
  5. Open the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file using a text editor.
  6. Add the "host all all trust" line.
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. Open the /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf file.
  9. Change the value of "#tcpip_socket = false" to "true".
  10. Start the postgresql system by executing the "/etc/init.d/postgresql start" command.
  11. Execute the following commands to use postgresql with IWSS:

    "su postgres"
    "createuser -d -P sa" (when asked to create as superuser, answer 'no')
    "createdb -U sa iwss" "createlang plpgsql iwss" "/etc/iscan/sql/postgresql/install/"

  12. Execute "chkconfig -level 2345 postgresql on" to automatically start postgresql when booting.
  13. Start all the IWSS daemons and edit the database settings to reflect the correct information.