
For instructions on how to modify the configuration and create a new SSL certificate, click the applicable environment below:

  1. Obtain a website certificate from any certification provider.
  2. Go to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager to open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for IIS.
  3. Expand the Microsoft IIS server to view the virtual site list.
  4. Right-click Default Web Site and click Properties.
    The "Default Web Site" is the IIS website to which TMCM is installed by default.
  5. On the Default Web Site Properties screen, go to the Directory Security tab and then click Server Certificate > Next.
  6. On the Server Certificate Method screen, select Import a certificate from a Key Manager backup file and then click Next.
  7. Type in the key full path and file name (for example, cm_cert.key) and then click Next.
  8. Specify the key password and then click Next.
  9. In the Imported Certificate Summary screen, click Next to import the certificate.
  10. Click OK to apply the certificate and return to the Default Web Site list. The SSL port field is enabled after importing the certificate. You can modify the SSL port value from the default value, 443.
  11. Right-click the Control Manager virtual directory and then select Properties.
  12. Go to the Directory Security tab and then click Edit under Secure communications section. The Secure Communications window appears.
  13. Select Require secure channel (SSL) and the encryption level (128-bit).
  14. Click OK to close the Secure Communications window.
  15. Click OK to apply the changes and then go back to the Default Web Site list.
  16. Repeat Steps 11 to 15, this time for the WebApp virtual directory.
  1. Obtain a website certificate from any certification provider.
  2. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager to open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for IIS.
  3. Expand the Microsoft IIS server to view the virtual site list.
  4. Click on the Default Web Site.
    The "Default Web Site" is the IIS website to which TMCM is installed by default.
  5. In the Actions pane, click Bindings... to open the Site Bindings window.
  6. In the Site Bindings window, select type="https" and click Edit.... The Edit Site Binding window will appear.
  7. From the SSL Certificate section, click the Search... button and select the certificate with the latest expiration date.
  8. Click OK to close the window.