
Follow these steps:

  1. Open the management console of the original IS.
  2. Go to Information Server > Backup IS Data
  3. Provide the necessary information in the dialog box that appears:
    1. The target folder using UNC format (e.g. \{\servernameofnewISserver}\c$)
    2. Username and password of the target folder
  4. Click Do.
  5. Log out of the Management Console.
  6. Open the Services applet and stop the Trend ServerProtect Agent service.
  7. Go to the new IS and open its Management Console.
  8. Go to Information Server > Restore IS Data
  9. Provide the necessary information in the dialog box:
    1. The UNC shared folder in the Restore From field
    2. Username and password
  10. Click Do.
  11. Open the Services applet and restart the Trend ServerProtect Agent service of the new one.
    All online NS will be migrated to the new IS.

If an NS shows a stop sign during the migration, follow this solution:

  1. Open the management console of the new IS.
  2. Right-click the domain of the server that shows a stop sign.
  3. Select Add a Normal Server then specify the target server. Ensure that the Trend ServerProtect service is running on the target server.