If you receive this error message, do the following:
- Wait for about 30 seconds and then remove or disconnect the USB drive or USB cable of the external drive from the server.
- Wait for about 5 seconds and reinsert the USB drive or cable of the external drive into the server's USB port.
- Click OK to allow the installation program to continue. This will allow the server to detect the external USB CDROM drive and the installation program should continue.
Please refer to the following documents for further installation instruction for your product:
- InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance 3.1 Installation Guide
- InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance 5.0 Installation Guide
- Advanced Reporting and Management for InterScan Web Security Suite 1.0 Installation Guide
Alternatively, you can use any of the two methods below to resolve the issue:
Method One
- When the error message appears, use Alt + F2, Alt + F3, etc. to switch to another terminal screen.
- Review the log messages on the screen and see if there is any information indicating which drive is the external USB drive or USB device that contains the installation media.
For example, it may be identified as "/dev/sda, /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc".
- Switch back to the error message console and then select OK to retry the installation path and enter a new location for the ks.cfg file as identified by the log messages.
Example: hd:sda:/ks.cfg or hd:sdb:/ks.cfg to replace the original setting cdrom:/ks.cfg and try again
Method Two
- If an external CDROM drive is being used, you can also extract the ks.cfg from the installation disk and copy it to a USB flash disk (formatted as FAT32) and retry the installation using the external CDROM with the USB flash disk connected to the server.
- When the error message appears, switch to another terminal screen and see which device is representing the USB stick from the log messages.
- Once identified, switch back to the installation screen and change the ks.cfg file location from "cdrom:/ks.cfg" to "hd:sda:/ks.cfg" (or hd:sdb:/ks.cfg, etc.).
- Retry the installation to see if the installer identifies the ks.cfg on the USB flash disk.