
A firewall protects clients from hacker attacks and network viruses by creating a barrier between the client and the network. Firewalls can block or allow certain types of network traffic. It identifies patterns in network packets that may indicate an attack on clients.

There are two modes of firewall settings:
  • Simple Mode - This enables the firewall with the Trend Micro recommended default settings.
  • Advanced Mode - Use this mode to customize the firewall settings.
It is recommeded that you uninstall other software-based firewalls before deploying and enabling the firewall.

The firewall provides default settings to give you a basis for initiating your client firewall protection strategy. These settings are meant to include common conditions that may exist on clients, such as the need to access the Internet and download or upload files using FTP.

By default, WFBS-SVC disables the firewall on all new groups and clients.

Below are the default firewall settings in WFBS-SVC:

Security LevelDescription
LowInbound and outbound (Bi-directional) traffic allowed, only network viruses blocked.
Intrusion Detection SystemDisabled
Alert Message (send)Disabled
Exception NameActionDirectionProtocolPort
NetBIOSAllowBi-directionalTCP/UDP137, 138, 139, 445