
To configure the SNMP settings in IWSS or IWSVA, please do the following:

  1. Log on to the admin console then click Administration > IWSS Configuration > SNMP Settings. This opens the following screen:

  2. Select the Enable SNMP checkbox.
  3. Under System Information Setup, enter the following information:
    • Trap Destinations: Enter the IP address or hostname of the server running the SNMP console.
    • Port Number: Enter the port number on which the SNMP console listens for SNMP packets. The default port for SNMP consoles is port 162.
    • Community Name: Enter the community name that receives the SNMP traps. The default community is "public".
    • Default Community: Enter the same name you entered in Community Name.
    • System Location: Enter a name that identifies the location of the IWSS or IWSVA system to be displayed on the SNMP console.
    • System Contact: Enter the contact information of the IWSS or IWSVA administrator to be displayed on the SNMP console.
  4. Under Access Control Setup, enter the following information:
    • Read-Only Community Name: Enter the community name that you want to allow to retrieve information from the IWSS MIB.
    • Read-Only Host Name: Enter the IP address or hostname of the SNMP console that you want to allow to retrieve information from the IWSS MIB. You can also enter the following: default - allow all hosts to retrieve information from the MIB. or - allow hosts in 192.168.0.* to retrieve information from the MIB.
    • Read-Only Object Identifier (OID): Enter the OID that you want to allow retrieval from the IWSS MIB. The less digits you enter, the more information can be retrieved (if you enter "1", all MIB accesses will be allowed). If you want to retrieve only MIB information used by IWSS, enter "". IWSS uses the following identifiers:
      OIDDescription version build and install date/time pattern file engine
  5. Click Save.