
This issue is caused by a time out when performing a manual ActiveUpdate pattern update in Serverprotect. By default, the maximum time for compressing a pattern file is 150 seconds. Once it times out, the management console will send a cancel command to the Information Server to automatically stop downloading the pattern file.

To address this issue, you can increase the timeout value of 150 seconds.

For ServerProtect 5.58, you first need to install Patch 8.

This patch is already included in ServerProtect 5.7 and 5.8.

Please do the following to set the waiting time for compressing the pattern file:

  1. Look for and open the Admin.ini file using a text editor.
  2. Under the [ADMINServer] section, add the "DisplayMaxPendingTime" key. Set the value to the amount of time in seconds.

    Where xxx is an integer number that represents the waiting time in seconds. The value should be more than 180 seconds. Trend Micro recommends setting this value to "300".

  3. Save and close the Admin.ini file.