
For configuring an external DB:

  1. Execute the command "vi /etc/sysconfig/encryptiongateway.conf".
  2. Set the value of "DatabaseHost" to the IP address of the remote DB.

For remote access from the TMEEG server:

Configure the remote Postgres DB by running the following commands:

# create user on remote host
createuser -U postgres -h [db host] pmg
# Create DB on remote host
createdb -U postgres -O pmg -h [db host] identum
# Copy DB contents
pg_dump -U postgres identum | psql -U postgres -h [db host] identum -f-
# modify password for pmg user on remote host
psql -U postgres -h [db host] identum -c “ALTER USER pmg UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD ‘identum’;”
# restart the TMEEG services:
/etc/init.d/encryptiongatewayd restart