
Updating the OS Time Zone Data

  1. Use SSH to connect to IMSVA with root credentials.
  2. Download and install the timezone data package.
    rpm -Uvh tzdata-2020d-1.el6.noarch.rpm


Updating the JRE Time Zone Data

  1. Download the latest timezone update (TZUpdate) tool.
  2. Extract the tzupdater.jar file and save it to a folder.
  3. Download the latest tzdata-latest.tar.gz file.
  4. Use winSCP or other SCP tools to upload the tzupdater.jar and tzdata-latest.tar.gz files to IMSVA's /tmp directory.
  5. SSH to IMSVA with root crendential and then execute the following command line:
    /opt/trend/imss/UI/javaJRE/bin/java -jar /tmp/tzupdater.jar -l file:///tmp/tzdata-latest.tar.gz -v

    As a result, /opt/trend/imss/UI/javaJRE/lib/tzdb.dat are updated.

  6. Restart IMSVA web console service using the following command:
    /opt/trend/imss/script/S99ADMINUI restart


Changing the Local Time Zone

Check the current time zone settings and change it as necessary:

  1. Access the IMSVA configuration Wizard page at https://<IMSVA_FQDN_OR_IP>:8445/initConfigWizard.imss
  2. Review the current Local Time Zone setting and then change it as necessary.