
Do the following:

  1. Backup the existing IIS settings:
    1. On the IIS console, right-click the server and then click All Tasks > Backup/Restore Configuration.
    2. Click Create Backup and then type a backup name.
    3. Expand Web Sites.
    4. Right-click SMEX Web Site and click Delete.
  2. Recreate the SMEX Web Site:
    1. Open the IIS management console.
    2. Right-click on Web Sites and then click New >Web Site.
    3. In the Description field, type "SMEX Web Site" and then click Next.
    4. In the IP Address field, select All Unassigned and then click Next.
    5. In the Port settings field, type the port number "16372".
    6. In Web Site Home Directoryclick Browse and then go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Messaging Security Agent\Web.
    7. Select Allow anonymous access to this website and then click Next.
    8. In Site Access Permission, select Read and Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI), and then click Next > Finish.
  3. Create a virtual directory within the SMEX Web Site:
    1. Right-click the new SMEX Web Site.
    2. Click New > Virtual Directory.
    3. Type "SMEX" in the Alias field and then click Next.
    4. In Web Site Content Directory, click Browse and go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Messaging Security Agent\Web.
    5. In Virtual Directory Access Permissions, select Read & Execute and click Next > Finish.
    6. Right-click the SMEX Virtual Directory and click Properties.
    7. Click the Documents tab and then remove all the default documents in the list.
    8. Add Login.htm and then click Apply.
  4. Create a virtual directory within the SMEX Virtual Directory:
    1. Right-click the new SMEX Virtual Directory.
    2. Click New > Virtual Directory.
    3. Type "report-<servername>" in the Alias field.
    4. In Web Site Content Directory, click Browse and go to .C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Messaging Security Agent\Data\Report.
    5. In Virtual Directory Access Permissions, select Read & Execute and click Next > Finish
    6. Right-click the report-<servername> Virtual Directory and then click Properties.
    7. Click the Documents tab and then verify if Login.htm is the only file in the list.
    8. Click Apply.
  5. Add the SMEX Web Server Extension.

    In the IIS Manager, click the Web Service Extensions on the left. If you cannot find SMEX on the right side and is not allowed, then you have to create it by following these steps:

    1. Right click Web Service Extensions and select Add a new web service extension from the menu.
    2. Enter "SMEX" as the extension name.
    3. To add a required file, click Add.
    4. Go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Messaging Security Agent\Web folder.
    5. Select the cgiDispatcher.exe file.
    6. Add the following files:
      • cgiCmdNotify.exe
      • cgiNotify.exe
    7. If the file does not exist, make sure to select CGI exe files (*.exe) in the Files of type selection box at the bottom.
    8. Select Set extension status to Allowed and then click OK to complete.
    9. Restart the Trend Micro Messaging Security Agent Master Service.

If you need technical assistance, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.