
Do the following:

  1. Install ADPlus (Debugging Tools for Windows Vista or above):
    1. Download ADPlus using one of the following links:
    2. Open a command prompt and change the directory where ADPlus.vbs located.
    3. Run the script with the following parameter:

      ADPlus -crash -pn -coreServiceShell.exe -o c:\amsp_dump

    4. Keep the command windows running until you encounter application crash.
  2. Install Dr. Watson as the default debugger (Debugging Tool for Windows XP):
    1. Open the command prompt for Windows.
    2. Execute the "drwtsn32 -i" command to install Dr. Watson as the default application debugger.
    3. Execute the drwtsn32 application, then create a full memory dump file.

      Dr. Watson

  3. Enable AMSP debug:
    1. Go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\AMSP\.
    2. Open the AmspConfig.ini file and set the value of the "DebugLogAMSPServiceStar" parameter to "1".
    3. Save and close the file.
  4. Reproduce the issue.
  5. Contact Trend Micro Technical Support and provide the following when issue is replicated:
    • Case Diagnostic Tool (CDT) logs
      No need to select Event. Just click Next to get the system's basic information (preferably all the system event logs).
    • C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\AMSP\dump folder
    • C:\Windows\Temp\WFBS_Debug folder 
    • Dump created by Adplus
    • c:\amsp_list - run command: dir "c:\program files\trend micro\" /s /o > c:\amsp_file_list.txt