
The tool will help you set the task automatically instead of having to manually gather the information from each OfficeScan server.

To use the Export Information Tool:

  1. Extract the tool to {Apex One/OfficeScan server installation folder}\PCCSRV\Web\Service\.
    If the tool is copied to another path, it will prompt an error when executing.
  2. Open a command prompt and execute the following:

    ExportInfo.exe {data to export} {CSV file name}

    Only a single parameter can be passed per run. Multiple runs will be required if information from more than 1 parameter is needed.
  3. Replace "{data to export}" with any of the following:
    -cExport client information
    -v [x]Export the virus/malware logs generated within the last x days
    -vq [x]Quick export virus log generated within the last x days without sorting
    -culogExport component update log
    -wrsExport Web Reputation approved URL lists
    -wrs_allExport Web Reputation approved and blocked URL lists
    -exclusionExport exclusion settings
    -bmexExport Behavior Monitoring exceptions
    -tplExport Trusted Program List
    -dacExport Device Control settings
    -dacexExport Device Control exception lists
    -usbdacExport USB settings of Device Control
    -dlplog [x]Export Dlp log generated within the last x days
    -systemExport system events
    -inusblist xExport DAC USB internal device exclusion list for domain/endpoint x
    -exusblist xExport DAC USB external device exclusion list for domain/endpoint x

The Export Information Tool is version-specific and has been updated in Apex One Patch 3:

  • For OfficeScan XG or pre-Apex One Patch 3 builds: Download
  • For Apex One Patch 3 and later builds: Download

Please contact Trend Micro Technical Support if the links do not work.