
To re-register the SPNT information server to the TMCM server:

Performing these steps will generate new GUIDs so the logs will not be associated to the SPNT servers anymore.
  1. On the SPNT information server, stop the Trend Micro Infrastructure Service.
  2. For TMCM 5.0/5.5 users, stop the EarthAgent service. For TMCM 6.0/7.0 users, stop Trend ServerProtect Agent.
  3. On the TMCM server management console, go to the Directory Manager and delete the target SPNT information server and all its normal servers.
  4. Go back to the SPNT information server.
  5. Download the attached 56346_CMAgentGuid_20040521 file and extract it to a local folder.
  6. Open a command prompt and execute the following:

    CMAgentGUID /deleteguid

    The first command creates a backup of the GUID in the registry. If you already have a backup of the registry key, you no longer need the first command. The second command is necessary because it will delete the existing GUID.

  7. Go to the ..\Trend\SProtect folder and back up the entity.cfg file.
  8. Open the entity.cfg file and delete the line(s) starting with "Entity_GUID".
  9. Save and close the file.
  10. Back up and delete the following files:
    • ..\Trend\common\tmi\mrf_server.dat
    • ..\Trend\common\tmi\mrf_entity.dat
  11. Start the following services:
    • For TMCM 5.0/5.5:
      • TMI service
      • EarthAgent service
    • For TMCM 6.0/7.0:
      • TMI service
      • Trend ServerProtect Agent service
  12. Repeat the steps above for the other information servers.