
Using PSQL

You can use psql to export email address by each address group.

Sample result:

# /opt/trend/imss/PostgreSQL/bin/psql -U sa imss
Welcome to psql 8.1.3, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
imss=# \o
imss=# select content from tb_named_obj where name='';

(If they have several address groups, they can export mail addresses on a per address group basis by changing out file name with "\o")
imss=# \o
imss=# select content from tb_named_obj where name='';
imss=# \o
imss=# \q

Using the Case Diagnostic Tool (CDT)

If you collect CDT data Event2, the tb_named_obj content is exported. You can find the address group content in IMSS_7\LogFile\Event2\tb_named_obj.

Using a browser

You can right click [View Source] on the browser showing the address group edit page, and copy the values in <option> as below:

<select name="selectGroupAddrList" multiple="multiple" size="15" style="width:350px" class="button"><option value=""></option>

<option value="></option>

<option value="></option>

<option value="></option>

Using the command

/opt/trend/imss/PostgreSQL/bin/psql -U sa imss -tq -c "select content from tb_named_obj
where name='address_group_name' " | perl -n -e 'for (split ";") {s/\s+//g; print "$_\n";}'