To connect to the Smart Scan Server, you will need to enable SSH and disable the iptables.
Do the following:
- On the Smart Scan Server command prompt, log in as "root".
Root account is used to access the operating system shell and has all rights to the server. This account includes the most privileges and is created during the initial installation of the Smart Scan Server.
- Run the following command:
# service iptables stop
- Type this command to return to the login screen:
# exit
- Log in with the admin account.
Note: This account is the default administration account used to access the Smart Protection Server Web and CLI product consoles. This account includes all rights to the Smart Protection Server application, but does not include access rights to the operating system shell.
- Run the following commands:
> enable
> enable ssh - Enter the following commands to return to the login page:
> exit
> exit
You will need to setup the root account for Smart Scan Server as instructed above to be able to access this while using tools such as Winscp and Putty.