
This issue occurs when the maximum size of KahaDB is reached causing it to fail when loading its DB while MQ is starting.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Create a backup of the ActiveMQ data in C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\Addon\TMSM\apache-activemq\data\*.*.
  2. Delete the ActiveMQ data.
  3. Restart the Trend Micro Security for Mac service by double-clicking 

    ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\Addon\TMSM\restart_TMSM.bat.

  4. Access the TMSM console. The issue should now be resolved.

If the above procedure did not resolve the issue, provide the following to Trend Micro Technical Support:

  • Zipped backup of the ActiveMQ data that you created in Step 1.
  • %ServerFolder%\Addon\TMSM\apache-activemq\data\activemq.log
  • %ServerFolder%\Addon\TMSM\apache-activemq\data\wrapper.log
  • %ServerFolder%\Addon\TMSM\debug.log
  • %ServerFolder%\PCCSRV\Log\ofcdebug.log

For more information on how to troubleshoot TMSM console problems, refer to the following: