
Step-by-Step Guide

To install Apex One clients/agents using the Login Script Setup utility:

  1. On the Apex One server, click Start > Trend Micro Apex One Server-{server name} > Login Script Setup, or run the ..\PCCSRV\Admin\SetupUsr.exe file.
  2. Expand Microsoft Windows Network, then double-click on the Domain and select the server to which the login script will be deployed.
  3. Click Select.

    Login Script Setup

    The server must be a primary domain controller and you must have administrator access.
  4. Enter the administrator credentials and click OK.

    Login Script Setup

  5. Select the user profiles whose login script you want to modify:
    • To modify the login script of a single or multiple user profiles, select them from the list, then click Add.
    • To modify the login script of all users, click Add All.
    • To remove a user profile that you previously selected, click the name in the Selected users list then click Delete.
    • To reset your selections, click Delete All.

      Login Script User Selection

  6. After selecting the target computers, click Apply.
    The user that is selected MUST have domain administrator privileges to install the Apex One agent on the computer

    A message appears informing you that you have successfully modified the login scripts.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to modify the login scripts of other servers.
  9. Click Exit to close the Login Script Setup utility.

The autopcc.exe file automatically installs or updates the Apex One client when a computer logs on to the server whose login script you modified.

If you have an existing login script, a command that executes the autopcc.exe file will be appended to it. Otherwise, the ofcscan.bat batch file (which contains the command to run the autopcc.exe file) will be created.