
Resolve this issue by doing the following:

Before applying the procedures below, make sure that there are no other Web Applications being hosted by the IIS machine that utilizes the credentials of the bridging account to run web apps on the IIS server.
  1. Check the W3SVC/CreateProcessAsUser property of the IIS metabase by running this command:

    C:\> Cscript.exe c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs GET

    • The value of "true" means that the application pool processes is running under the account servicing the web request.
    • The value of "false" means that the application pool processes are using the default privileges (local system or network service accounts).

    The following message appears if the value is not set:

    The parameter createprocessasuser is not set at this node.

    Therefore, implicitly set the value to "false" as indicated by the next instruction.

  2. To change the value "true" back to the default value "false", use this command:

    C:\> Cscript.exe c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET w3svc/createprocessasuser "false"

If the issue still occurs:

  1. Download and run the CDT tool.
  2. Collect the logs and contact Trend Micro Technical Support.