To ensure that you are getting the maximum protection you deserve, apply the latest patches or upgrade to the latest products that support SSAPTN/DA6 anti-spyware pattern.
Click here for the upgrade path for the TMAPTN-affected products.
To ensure that you are getting the maximum protection you deserve, apply the latest patches or upgrade to the latest products that support SSAPTN/DA6 anti-spyware pattern.
Click here for the upgrade path for the TMAPTN-affected products.
Interscan Web Security Suite3.1 , Scanmail for IBM DominoAll
The End of Support (EOS) for the TMAPTN VSAPI Anti-Spyware pattern is on December 31, 2009. Also, the SSAPTN/DA6 anti-spyware pattern that provides more comprehensive anti-spyware protection has been integrated with the latest Trend Micro products.
To ensure that you are getting the maximum protection you deserve, apply the latest patches or upgrade to the latest products that support SSAPTN/DA6 anti-spyware pattern.
Click here for the upgrade path for the TMAPTN-affected products.