
To view and configure the product licenses of Apex Central and its managed products:

  1. Launch the Apex Central management console. Below are your options:
    • Access the console from the Windows Start menu.
    • Access the console using a web browser and the following URL: https://<ipaddress or DNS name>/ControlManager

      Apex Central Log on

  2. Enter the Username and Password.
  3. Go to Administration > License Management > Managed Products.
    The License Management screen appears. On this page you can view, manage, and deploy the licenses of all Apex Central managed products. You will also see the following information:
    Screen ComponentDescription
    Activation CodeDisplays the AC for the managed product.
    NoteDisplays additional information about the AC.
    Activated ProductsDisplays the number of managed products to which the AC deploys.
    License StatusDisplays the status of the AC:
    • Activated
    • Expired
    • Grace
    TypeDisplays the type of the AC:
    • Full: Allows full use of the product for the maintenance period (typically 1 year)
    • Trial: Allows full use of the product for the evaluation period (typically 3 months)
    Expiration DateDisplays the date the AC expires.
    Seat CountDisplays the number of seats the AC allows.

License Management

  1. On the Apex Central console, go to License Management by clicking Administration > License Management > Apex Central.
  2. Click Specify a new Activation Code.
  3. Enter the code on the subsequent page.
  4. Click Activate.

After the new AC is deployed to the Apex One server, the existing and the newly added license will appear on the console at the same time. The Apex One server will not delete the old AC automatically even after adding the new one.

  1. On the Apex Central management console, go to License Management by clicking Administration > License Management > Managed Products.
  2. Click Add and Deploy.
  3. Enter the New Activation Code then click Next.
  4. The Add and Deploy A New License page appears.

    Add and Deploy License

  5. Select a product or directory from the Product Directory.
  6. Click Deploy

    To view the status details for an AC and to record notes about its use for future reference, click the code as it appears on the License Management page of the managed products.

  1. On the Apex Central management console, go to the License Management by clicking Administration License Management Managed Products.
  2. Select an activation code from the list.
  3. Click Re-deploy. The Re-Deploy License page appears

    Re-deploy License

  4. Select a product or directory from the Product Directory.
  5. Click Deploy.