To verify the connection:
- Make sure that the device is listed under a group in the PolicyServer.
Ensure that the user and device are in the same PolicyServer group.
If an Enterprise Administrator is authenticated to a device, it will not be synchronized because an Enterprise Administrator cannot belong to a group. - Check if the device displays a shield icon at the upper-right corner of the Endpoint Encryption authentication screen. The device can see the PolicyServer when the shield icon is present.
- From the console, select to Options > Download Policy Updates to confirm the pre-boot connectivity.
- On the Endpoint Encryption authentication screen, select Help and click About Endpoint Encryption to show the latest sync time and the server name of the PolicyServer. The server name should be correct.
- Authenticate as a PolicyServer Administrator and access the Recovery Console, and then select Network to view the settings. Select Test to confirm the connection.
- Authenticate as a user in the device policy group. Log on to Windows, double-click the Endpoint Encryption tray icon and select Download Policies. The Last Sync Time should update to confirm Windows connection to the PolicyServer.
- Make sure that the Windows server, MobileSentinel, runs.
- Ensure that the communication to the PolicyServer using the default port 80 is not blocked.
- If you are using Cisco networking equipment, make sure that the Portfast is enabled.