
The following are the error messages and the corresponding conditions when they occur:

Error MessageCondition
You can only merge this license with another license. Sign in using an account with the Worry-Free Business Security Service license you want to merge with this account.When a user signs in the same account to merge.
You are merging this account with an account that has two active licenses. Merge the licenses first before merging with this account.When a user signs in an account which has two active WFBS-SVC licenses. Cross account merging is not allowed.
The license you are trying to merge with this account has already expired or has already been merged with another account and disabled. Trend Micro recommends renewing the license before merging with this accountWhen a user signs in an account that does not have a valid (meaning expired) WFBS-SVC license.
You cannot merge this account with a trial account. Trend Micro recommends migrating the clients from the trial account to the current account.When a user signs in an account that has a trial WFBS-SVC license.
You can merge different license types online except if both accounts are from different resellers. To merge reseller accounts, please contact Trend Micro for help.When a user has reseller WFBS-SVC license and tries to signs in to an account with a reseller WFBS-SVC license.
You can merge different license types online only if they are from the same region. To merge these licenses, please contact Trend Micro for help.When a user signs in an account that has a WFBS-SVC license with a different Business Unit.
This account has no registered Worry-Free Business Security Service license. Sign in using an account with a Worry-Free Business Security Service license.When a user tries to signs in to an account that does not have any WFBSS license. 

Merge License Matrix

Type of ACResellerRetailDell/OEMProtectLink