
Export by Root

To export all clients in WFBS-SVC:

  1. Log on to WFBS-SVC console.
  2. Click Security Agents.
  3. Click Tasks > Export.

    click Export

Export by Group

To export all clients for a selected group:

  1. Log on to WFBS-SVC console.
  2. Click Security Agents.
  3. On the left pane, select a group.
  4. Click Tasks > Export.

Export by Search computer result

To export all clients found using the search tool:

  1. Log on to WFBS-SVC console.
  2. Click Security Agents.
  3. On the Search bar, type the computer/IP address.
  4. Click the Search icon.
  5. Click Tasks > Export.
  1. The list of clients can be exported to a comma-separated value (.csv) file.
  2. The Export tool does not support sorting by group name.
  3. The exported file will follow the "customize column" settings; if the components are checked, the information will be exported.