
To install SMD, please do the following:

  1. Download the SMD installer.
  2. Double-click setup.exe.

    The InstallAnywhere screen appears.

    ScanMail for Domino Installer

                            Click image to enlarge.

    When the loading is done, the Welcome screen appears.

    ScanMail for Domino installer

    Click image to enlarge.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and then click Next.

    ScanMail for Domino License Agreement

    Click image to enlarge.

  5. Enter the correct ScanMail Activation Code and click Next.

    ScanMail for Domino Activation Code

                                       Click image to enlarge.

  6. Select from the following:
    • 64-bit ScanMail for Lotus Domino
    • 32-bit ScanMail for Lotus Domino

    ScanMail for Domino 32-bit 64-bit

                                       Click image to enlarge.

    The Installation Type screen will not display if you install ScanMail to a Windows 32-bit Operating System or if you are upgrading from ScanMail 3.0.
    The Domino server platform must match the SMLD installation type; otherwise ScanMail will not function. For example, if the Domino server is 32-bit, you must install SMLD 32-bit. If the Domino server is 64-bit, you must install SMLD 64-bit.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the notes.ini server where you want to install SMLD.

    ScanMail Domino notes.ini


    • If you have a partitioned server, install ScanMail on the partitions you want to protect.
    • If you are upgrading from SMD 3.0, the existing notes.ini server file will display. This file cannot be removed, but you can add other locations.
    A warning message will display if you select a location where SMLD is currently installed. Be sure to select another location.
  9. After selecting the notes.ini path, click Add > Next.

                                          Click image to enlarge.

  10. Make sure that the Domino Binary Path and Domino Data Path are correct.

                                         Click image to enlarge.

    If the path is incorrect, double-click the Domino Binary Path to change the path.

  11. Click Next.
  12. Wait for the configuration analysis to complete and then click Next. The SMLD Configuration screen displays.

    ScanMail Domino Configuration screen

                                       Click image to enlarge.

  13. Type or browse for the location where you will install ScanMail for Lotus Domino.

    If you unticked the Share single SMLD binary for all Domino servers checkbox, click ... to browse for a new server path.

                                          Click image to enlarge.

  14. Click Next.
  15. By default, Setup enables replicating all databases except the Quarantine database. If you want to change the default settings, select or deselect the ScanMail databases you want Setup to replicate.

    ScanMail Domino Database Replication

                                    Click image to enlarge.

    If you plan to install ScanMail on several servers and replicate databases, you may want to disable replication of the Configuration database on subsequent servers. Select one server as the primary or administrative server to replicate to all other servers.

    Schedule the replication of the Configuration database after installing ScanMail so that all servers receive the default policy.
  16. Click Next.
  17. Select which server(s) should get the default policy.

    If there are server(s) with ScanMail installed and the Configuration database is being replicated, you may skip this option on the next installations.

    A single ScanMail server, central (hub) server, or the first server from a group of partitioned servers should always receive the default policy. If the default policy is not installed on a server, reload SMDReal on that server after you create a new policy.

    All servers must have a policy present for SMDReal to operate properly. Upon completion of installation, schedule the replication of the Configuration database so that all servers will receive the default or other policy that you specify.

    ScanMail Domino Setup

                                          Click image to enlarge.

  18. Click Next.
  19. Do one of the following:

    • Type a single administrator account/group that will have Manager access to all ScanMail databases
    • If the target servers are partitioned servers and you have different administrator groups for each partition, specify different users or user groups for each partitioned server and then type the administrator account for each server in the Administrator field.
    If the account you specify does not exist, then create it when you complete the installation. Ensure that the account has administrator authority.

                                       Click image to enlarge.

  20. Click Next.
  21. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to prevent Setup from signing ScanMail databases, select Skip database signing. You can sign ScanMail databases manually after the installation.
      Do not select Skip database signing when upgrading from SMD3.0 to SMLD 5.0 and the server ID requires a password. You must enter the correct password to continue with a successful installation. In this case, if you skip database signing, the upgrade will be unsuccessful.
    • If you want to sign ScanMail databaseswith a single ID, select Use single ID file for all target servers. Type the ID (including full path) under ID column or click Browse to specify the path of the target ID, and then type the password.
    • If you want to sign ScanMail databases on each Domino server with a different ID, select Specify different ID for each Domino server.
    If you select this option, you must enter the correct password for the signing ID. If you enter the incorrect password or leave the field blank, the upgrade will be unsuccessful. Type the ID (including its full path) under the ID column or click Browse to specify the path to the target ID.

    ScanMail Domino Database Signing

                                          Click image to enlarge.

  22. Click Install.

    The Installation Complete screen displays.

    ScanMail Domino Installation Complete

                                           Click image to enlarge.