Perform the following steps to disable IPv6 in the Trend Micro Smart Protection Server using the command line.
- Modify the value of following parameter:
-bash-3.2# vi /etc/modprobe.conf
alias net-pf-10 off - Modify the value of following parameter:
-bash-3.2# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
NETWORKING_IPV6=no - Execute the following commands:
-bash-3.2# /etc/init.d/ip6tables stop
-bash-3.2# chkconfig --level 2345 ip6tables off
-bash-3.2# modprobe -r -v ip6_tables - Edit the value of following parameter:
-bash-3.2# vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
agentaddress udp:161 - Comment the following sentences:
-bash-3.2# vi /var/tmcss/cpmpatch/svaiptables
# FW6_SYS = "/etc/init.d/ip6tables "
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -F")# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -X")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -Z")
# os.system("iptables-save | grep -v icmp |grep -v
SNMP_SERV_IN |grep -v CPM_SERV_IN |ip6tables-restore")
# os.system("ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p icmpv6 -j ACCEPT")# os.system(SVAFirewall.FW6_SYS + "start")
# os.system(SVAFirewall.FW6_SYS + "stop")# os.system("ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,ACK -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ACK -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL PSH,ACK -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,ACK -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL PSH,FIN,ACK -j ACCEPT")# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p tcp --dport " + self.ssh_port + " -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -I LOCAL_SERV_IN -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type echo-request -j DROP > /dev/null 2>&1");
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p tcp --dport " + iwsva.port_service + " -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p tcp --dport " + self.frs_http_port + " -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p tcp --dport " + self.frs_https_port + " -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p tcp --dport 546 -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A LOCAL_SERV_IN -p udp --dport 546 -j ACCEPT")
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -D SERV_GATE -p tcp --dport " + self.wrs_http_port + " -j DROP > /dev/null 2>&1");
# os.system("/sbin/ip6tables -A SERV_GATE -p tcp --dport " + self.wrs_http_port + " -j DROP");-bash-3.2# cp /var/tmcss/cpmpatch/svaiptables /etc/init.d/svaiptables
- Comments the following sentences:
-bash-3.2# vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
# listen to ipv6
#$SERVER["socket"] == "[::]:" + var.frs-http-port {
# $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(.*)$" {
# url.redirect = ( "^/$" => "https://%1:4343/",
# "^/tmcss/$" => "http://%1/$1")
# }
#}#$SERVER["socket"] == "[::]:4343" {
#ssl.engine = "enable"
#ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/server.pem"
#ssl.cipher-list = ssl-cipher-list
#accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/mgt_access.log"
#server.document-root = var.AdminUI.document-root
#fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
# ( "localhost" =>
# (
# "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
# "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi",
# "max-procs" => 4,
# "bin-environment" =>
# (
# )
# )
# )
# )
#}#Setting for LWCS
#$SERVER["socket"] == "[::]:" + var.wrs-http-port {
#server.document-root = "/var/www/iCRC/tmcss/"
#accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/lwcs_access.log"
#server.indexfiles = ("lwcsfcgi")
#server.error-handler-404 = "/lwcsfcgi"
#fastcgi.server = ( "" =>
# ( "" =>
# (
# "socket" => "/tmp/lwcsfcgi-fastcgi.socket",
# "bin-path" => "/var/www/iCRC/tmcss/lwcsfcgi",
# "max-procs" => 90,
# "idle-timeout" => 30
# )
# )
# )
#}#$SERVER["socket"] == "[::]:" + var.frs-https-port {
#ssl.engine = "enable"
#ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/server.pem"
#ssl.cipher-list = ssl-cipher-list
# $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(.*)$" {
# url.redirect = ( "^/$" => "https://%1:4343/",
# "^/tmcss/$" => "https://%1/$1")
# }
#} - Comment the following sentences:
-bash-3.2# vi /usr/tmcss/bin/
# $IP6TABLES -F $SNMP_CHAIN 2> /dev/null
# $IP6TABLES -D INPUT -j $SNMP_CHAIN 2> /dev/null
# $IP6TABLES -A $SNMP_CHAIN -p udp --dport $SNMP_PORT -s $1/$2 -j ACCEPT
# $IP6TABLES -A $SNMP_CHAIN -p udp --dport $SNMP_PORT -s $1/$2 -j ACCEPT - Comment the following sentences:
-bash-3.2# vi /usr/tmcss/bin/
#IP6TABLES='/sbin/ip6tables'# $IP6TABLES -F $CPM_CHAIN > /dev/null 2>&1
# $IP6TABLES -D INPUT -j $CPM_CHAIN > /dev/null 2>&1
# $IP6TABLES -X $CPM_CHAIN > /dev/null 2>&1# $IP6TABLES -N $CPM_CHAIN
# $IP6TABLES -A $CPM_CHAIN -p udp --dport $1 -j ACCEPT - Comment the following sentences:
-bash-3.2# vi /usr/tmcss/bin/
# echo -e "\n[ip6table] (Run Command \"ip6tables -L\")" >> $target_file_location/$target_file_name# echo "`date` [$Module_Name] > ip6tables -L" | tee -a $CDT_LOG_FILE_NAME | more
# ip6tables -L >> $target_file_location/$target_file_name 2>>$CDT_LOG_FILE_NAME - Comment and modify the following sentences:
-bash-3.2# vi /usr/tmcss/bin/tlogger
#cmdip6tables = "/sbin/ip6tables"tin = long(getTraffic(cmdiptables, "WCS_SERV_IN")) + long(getTraffic(cmdip6tables, "WCS_SERV_IN"))
tout= long(getTraffic(cmdiptables, "WCS_SERV_OUT")) + long(getTraffic(cmdip6tables, "WCS_SERV_OUT"))
tin = long(getTraffic(cmdiptables, "WCS_SERV_IN"))
tout= long(getTraffic(cmdiptables, "WCS_SERV_OUT")) - Reboot the SPS.
- Log in to the Trend Smart Protection Server server using SSH connection using root account.
- Execute the following commands to disable IPv6:
# service ip6tables stop
# chkconfig ip6tables off - Comment out all IPv6-related settings in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf with the following:
- Execute the command:
# vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
- Press INSERT key to enter Edit mode.
- Uncomment line 153 and change it to:
server.use-ipv6 = "disable"
- Execute the command:
- Comment all IPv6 configurations on these lines:
lines 157 through 163
lines 290 through 309
lines 330 through 346
lines 370 through 377 - Press the ESC key then press ":wq!"" to save and close the file.
- Comment out all IPv6-related settings in the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.
- Execute the following command:
# vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
- Press the INSERT key to enter Edit mode.
- Change line 465 from "agentaddress udp:161,udp6:161" to:
agentaddress udp:161
- Press the ESC key, then press ":wq!"" to save and close the file.
- Execute the following command:
- Change the value of NETWORKING_IPV6 inside the /etc/sysconfig/network file.
- Execute the following command:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
- Press the INSERT key to enter Edit mode.
- Press the ESC key, then press ":wq!"" to save and close the file.
- Execute the following command:
- Run the following commands to restart the lighttpd and snmpd daemons to apply the new settings.
# service lighttpd restart
# service snmpd restart