
Deep Security does not support agentless anti-malware protection for Windows 2000 operating system due to the following reasons:

  • The vShield Endpoint Thin Agent does not support Windows 2000. Therefore, the agentless deployment will not apply.
  • The only physical Agent that provides support for anti-malware is Deep Security 9.0 and above, which no longer supports Windows 2000.

    Deep Security 7.0 was the last release that included an Agent for the Windows 2000 platform. For the newer version, customers wishing to protect Windows 2000 Servers will still be able to manage the 7.0 Agent. However, the Agent will not support new functionalities provided by the new Manager.

Because Microsoft ended Extended Support for Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server on July 13, 2010, Trend Micro no longer supports these operating systems.