You receive multiple unsuccessful pattern deployment notifications from TMCM/Apex Central similar to:
Control Manager (ServerName) notification: Pattern files/Cleanup templates update unsuccessful.
The pattern file/cleanup template update has been unsuccessful. Check the network status and then update the pattern file/cleanup template to protect your computing environment against the latest virus and malware attacks.
Server/Entity: \Servername\Local Folder\EntityName
Computer: ComputerName
Product: InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance 8.0
Event date/time: DateAndTime
This problem occurs when the managed product's Activation Code/license has expired. Although the activation code is still in its grace period, the pattern/engine deployment from TMCM/Apex Central fails. The managed product can get direct updates from the ActiveUpdate server instead.
To resolve this issue, renew the license and update the Activation Code of the managed product.