
Do the following:

  1. Open Windows explorer and make sure that the C:\temp folder is present.
    If not, you have to create one.
  2. Go to ..\Trend Micro\Security Agent\.
  3. Edit the TmOsprey.ini file.

    Set Enable to 1 (the default is Enable=0)
    Set Enable to 1 (the default is Enable=0)

  4. Unload the Apex One client. Right-click the Apex One taskbar icon and select Unload Security Agent.
  5. Reload Apex One by doing either of the following:
    • Go to ..\Trend Micro\Apex One Client\ and double-click Pccntmon.exe.
    • On the Start menu, search for the keyword "Security Agent", then click the Apex One Agent icon.

You can find the log files at c:\temp\YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_EE_TmOsprey1.etl.