
To resolve the HTTP driver Stopped or Stopping status issue:

  1. Reboot the server to restart the HTTP driver.
  2. After the reboot, change the Startup Type of the HTTP driver to "Disabled".
    The HTTP driver will not automatically start when the server is rebooted.

    Disable the HTTP driver by running the following via command prompt:

    sc config http start= disabled

  3. Reboot the server.
  4. After the reboot, when you check the HTTP driver, the status should be "Stopped".

    To check the status, use the following command:

    sc query http

  5. Change the Startup Type to "Demand". Make sure that the HTTP driver stays "Stopped".

    Change the HTTP driver status to demand by running the following via command prompt:

    sc config http start= demand

  6. Open a command prompt and go to \Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV.
  7. Run the following commands:

    svrsvcsetup.exe -install
    svrsvcsetup.exe -setvirdir
    svrsvcsetup.exe -setprivilege
    svrsvcsetup.exe -enablessl (only if you want to enable SSL)

  8. The Apex One Master Service should now be listed and Started.

You should now be able to access the Apex One web console. If issue persists, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.