To avoid this situation, prevent the notification queue backlog from occurring by configuring the Apex One/OfficeScan server to notify normal clients before all update agents are notified:
- On the Apex One/OfficeScan server, open the Ofcscan.ini file in the \PCCSRV\ folder.
- Under the [INI_SERVER_SECTION] section, manually add the "Send_Notify_UA_Threshold" key and set the proper value for the Update Agent number. For example:
Send_Notify_UA_Threshold = 10
When the Update Agent number is 10 or less in the update queue, the server starts to notify normal clients for the update. Trend Micro recommends setting the value from 0 to 50. "0" disables the option.
If the number of notifications in the notification queue is greater than 1000, only the first 1000 will be checked. It may be necessary to tweak this value to prevent a notification record in the queue from reaching its TTL and expiring.
Below is an optional modification to the "Max_Search_Queue" parameter:
- Still under the [INI_SERVER_SECTION] section, add the parameter "Max_Search_Queue" and put the value as "-1". For example:
Max_Search_Queue = -1Setting the value to "-1" changes the Max_Search_Queue value to infinity.
- Still under the [INI_SERVER_SECTION] section, add the parameter "Max_Search_Queue" and put the value as "-1". For example:
- Save the changes and close the Ofcscan.ini file.
- Restart the Master Service.