
To export the Real-time exclusions:

Important: Before running the tool, stop the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service and create a copy of the HTTPDB folder (..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\HTTPDB).

  1. Extract the testDBlayer.exe file from the into the ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV folder of the Security Server.
  2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the PCCSRV folder and run the command testDbLayer.exe -CB -CSV Extra. The Extra.CSV file will be created under the PCCSRV directory.
  3. Open the Extra.CSV file using MS Excel and locate the exclusions list for each clients and servers in RTExclude and RTExFolder columns.
  4. Copy the exclusion list and save it using notepad.

To import the Real-time exclusions:

  1. Extract the which contains the modified copy of cgiShowClientAdm.exe and RealTimeSetting.ini.
  2. Open the RealTimeSetting.ini file and modify the following sections:
    • [ExcludedFolder] - This is the section for excluded folder lists or directories.
    • [ExcludedFile] - This is the section for excluded filenames.
    Each section has the following entries:
    • Count - The number of exclusions you have for each section.
    • Excluded_Folder_x and Excluded_File_x - The exclusion entries for each section where x is the counter and should always begin with 0. The value of these entries is the folder path or the filename to be excluded.
  3. Copy the exclusion list in the notepad where you copied the list from Extra.CSV file and paste them to the RealTimeSettings.ini file.
  4. Save the RealTimeSettings.ini in ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Web_SMB\Web_Console\CGI.
  5. Back up the original cgiShowClientAdm.exe in ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Web_SMB\Web_console\CGI.
  6. Copy the modified cgiShowClientAdm.exe to ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Web_SMB\Web_console\CGI.
  7. Open the management console and go to the Antivirus/Anti-spyware page.
  8. Add or delete an entry and click Save. You need to modify the existing exclusion list for cgiShowClientAdm.exe to run and write the changes to the database.
  9. Reload the Antivirus/Anti-spyware page. The original list will be replaced with the new list in RealTimeSetting.ini file. This shows that cgiShowClientAdm.exe exported the exclusions list from RealTimeSettings.ini to the database.
  10. Rename the original cgiShowClientAdm.exe and delete the modified one when export is done.