
Changing the DSM database account and password

To create a new SQL Server account, you must have DB_Creator and DB_Owner server roles on the Deep Security Manager database.
  1. Create a new SQL account.
  2. Go to Start > Run then type "services.msc".
  3. Stop the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager service.
  4. Go to the C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\webclient\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF folder and open the file.
  5. Change the value of the following parameters:
    • SqlServer.user – this is the user account that DSM uses to access its database. By default, it uses the “sa” account.
    • SqlServer.password – this is the password that DSM uses to access its database.
  6. Enter the password in the SqlServer.password parameter in plain text. DSM will automatically hash the password to protect it.
  7. Start the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager service.

Changing the DSM database port

  1. Go to Start > Run then type "services.msc".
  2. Stop the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager service.
  3. Go to the C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\webclient\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF folder.
  4. Open the file and look for the following parameter:


  5. Change the value of the parameter to "\:<new port number>".
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Start the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager service.

If you want to verify if the change is successful, log in to the DSM console. You will be able access it without an HTTP 412 error.