
o manually update the DCE/DCT of the WFBS server:

  1. Download the latest DCT from Download Center.
  2. Extract the tsc.exe and tsc.ptn files from the file to the ..\PCCSRV\Admin folder.
  3. Overwrite any existing file.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the Security Server to apply the update.
    The Security Server will deploy the DCE/DCT files to the clients automatically.

o verify if the DCE/DCT has been updated, do any or both of the following:

  • Check the Hotfix.ini file in the ..\PCCSRV\download folder.
    • Verify if the HotfixNT.txt and Hotfix_X64.txt ( if there is a new tsc64 engine ) files are recreated after a few minutes.
    • Verify the new timestamp in the file.

      Example: HotFix=20090212122316 --> 02/12 2009 12:23 GMT

  • Check if the modified date of the following files reflect the current date:
    • ..\PCCSRV\Download\Pattern\
    • ..\PCCSRV\Download\Engine\