
To resolve this:

  1. Use the SA uninstall tool to clean the target machine.
    Contact Trend Micro Technical Support for assistance in getting and using the Uninstall Tool.
  2. Copy the following TMTDI drivers from the Security Server:
    • tmtdi.dll
    • TmTdi.inf
    • tmtdi.sys

    For WFBS 6.0/8.0/9.0/9.5:

    • For 32-bit (x86) target machine: ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Drv\
    • For 64-bit (x64) target machine: ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Drv\x64\

    For WFBS 7.0:

    • For 32-bit (x86) target machine: 


    • For 64-bit (x64) target machine: ..\PCCSRV\Pccnt\clientWin32\AMSP\update\engine\c2t679485440l1p1r1o1\6.6.xxxx
  3. On the target machine, paste the driver files to C:\Temp directory.
  4. Right-click the TmTdi.inf file and select Install.
  5. When the installation is complete, open a command prompt with Administrator privilege and type the following command:

    C:\>net start TMTDI

  6. Reinstall Security Agent again.