To register a managed server, do the following:
- Go to Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration.
- Select a product from the Server Type dropdown list.
- Click the Add button or the Add a product link in the table.
- Specify the following server information:
- Server: Type the <managed product> server name, FQDN, or IPv4/IPv6 address and port number (if any).
The server address should start with either HTTP or HTTPS.
- Display name: Specify the name of the <managed product> server that displays in Apex Central.
- Server: Type the <managed product> server name, FQDN, or IPv4/IPv6 address and port number (if any).
- If logging on to the managed server requires authentication, specify the following credentials:
- User name: Provide the name of a account with administrator privileges.
- Password: Type the password for the provided account.
Apex Central requires an account with administrator privileges to deploy policy settings. - Optionally, select the Use a proxy server for the connection check box, if needed.
For more information, see Configuring Proxy Settings for Managed Products.
- To enable sample submission, select the Virtual Analyzer product/service from the Virtual Analyzer dropdown list:
- For Deep Security and Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor, you must add the managed server first and then edit the server to select the Virtual Analyzer.
- For all other managed products, you can select the Virtual Analyzer when you add the managed server for the first time.
- For more information, see Connected Threat Defense Product Integration.
- Click Save.
Additional information:
- If the Add button is disabled, then the product registers to Apex Central using the managed product management console.
For more information, see Connected Threat Defense Product Integration. - Before performing policy management on a newly added managed server, click Directory Management and move the managed product from the New Entity folder to another location.
For more information, see Managing the Product Directory.