
To enable performance logging:

  1. On the VM with the DSA, disable agent protection by running the following command:

    For Deep Security 9.0:

    c:\program files\trend micro\deep security agent\dsa_control.exe --harden=0

    For Deep Security 9.5:

    c:\program files\trend micro\deep security agent\dsa_control –s=0

    Where the value of "s" is:
    s = 1 - to enable self-protection (default)
    s = 0 - to disable self-protection

    This will allow you to stop the Agent services.

  2. Stop the Anti-Malware Solution Platform (AMSP) service using this command:

    net stop amsp

  3. Create a backup copy of the C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\AMSP\AmspConfig.ini file.
  4. Edit the AmspConfig.ini file by setting these values:


  5. Start the AMSP service using this command:

    net start amsp

  6. Run the C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\AMSP\AMSP_LogServer.exe file.
  7. Replicate the issue.
  8. Stop AMSP_LogServer.exe by pressing CTRL+C.
  9. Go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\AMSP\debug.
  10. Collect the files Amsp_DebugLog and Amsp_Event, and send them to Trend Micro Technical Support. Indicate the time of testing.
  11. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to stop the AMSP service again.
  12. Restore C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\AMSP\AmspConfig.ini file to its original values.
  13. Start the AMSP service using this command:

    net start amsp