
Refer to the tables below for the possible statuses and error messages that may appear in the status column of the Computers page.

Computer StateDescription
DiscoveredComputer has been added to the Computers List via the Discovery process.
UnmanagedUnmanaged by this Deep Security Manager, unactivated, and can't be communicated with until activated.
ManagedAn Agent is present and activated with no pending operations or errors.
UpdatingThe Agent/Appliance is being updated with a combination of new configuration settings and security updates.
Update Pending (Schedule)The Agent/Appliance will be updated with a combination of new configuration settings and security updates once the computer's access schedule permits.
Update Pending (Heartbeat)An update will be performed at the next heartbeat.
Update Pending (Offline)The Manager cannot currently communicate with the Agent/Appliance. An update is ready to be applied once the Agent/Appliance comes back online.
Installation PendingThe Agent is retrieving the required module from the DSM. For this to work, the client needs to access the Deep Security Relay on its listening port number. After a few moments, the agent should start downloading security updates such as anti-malware patterns and scan engines.
Scanning for Open PortsThe Manager is scanning the Computer for open ports.
ActivatingThe Manager is activating the Agent/Appliance.
Activating (Delayed)The activation of the Agent/Appliance is delayed by the amount of time specified in the relevant event-based task.
ActivatedThe Agent/Appliance is activated
DeactivatingThe Manager is deactivating the Agent/Appliance. This means that the Agent/Appliance is available for activation and management by another Deep Security Manager.
Deactivate Pending (Heartbeat)A deactivate instruction will be sent from the Manager during the next heartbeat.
LockedThe computer is in a locked state. While in in a locked state the Manager will not communicate with the Agent/Appliance or generate any computer-related Alerts. Existing computer Alerts are not affected.
Multiple ErrorsMultiple errors have occurred on this computer. See the computer's system events for details.
Multiple WarningsMultiple warnings are in effect on this computer. See the computer's system events for details.
Upgrading AgentThe Agent software on this computer is in the process of being upgraded to a newer version.
Scanning for RecommendationsA Recommendation Scan is underway.
Scan for Recommendations Pending (Schedule)A Recommendation Scan will be initiated once the computer's Access Schedule permits.
Scan for Recommendations Pending (Heartbeat)The Manager will initiate a Recommendation Scan at the next heartbeat.
Scan for Recommendations Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is currently offline. The Manager will initiate a Recommendation Scan when communication is reestablished.
Integrity Scan PendingAn instruction to start an Integrity Scan is queued to be sent.
Integrity Scan In ProgressAn Integrity Scan is currently in progress.
Integrity Scan Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is currently offline. The Manager will initiate an Integrity Scan when communication is reestablished.
Baseline Rebuild PendingAn instruction to rebuild a system baseline for Integrity Monitoring is queued to be sent.
Baseline Rebuild In ProgressThe Integrity Monitoring engine is currently rebuilding a system baseline.
Baseline Rebuild Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is currently offline. The Integrity Monitoring engine will rebuild a system baseline when communication between the Manager and this computer is reestablished.
Checking StatusThe agent state is being checked.
Getting EventsThe Manager is retrieving Events from the Agent/Appliance.
PreparedThe ESX has been prepared for the installation of the Virtual Appliance. (The Filter Driver has been installed.)
UnpreparedThe ESX has not been prepared for the installation of the Virtual Appliance. (The Filter Driver has been installed.)
Filter Driver OfflineThe Filter Driver on the ESX is offline.
Upgrade RecommendedA newer version of the Agent or Appliance is available. A software upgrade is recommended.
Malware Manual Scan PendingThe instruction to perform a manually-initiated Malware Scan has not yet been sent.
Malware Manual Scan QueuedThe instruction to perform a manually-initiated Malware Scan is queued.
Malware Manual Scan In ProgressA manually-initiated manually-initiated Malware Scan is in progress.
Malware Manual Scan PausedA manually-initiated manually-initiatedMalware Scan has been paused.
Malware Manual Scan Cancellation PendingThe instruction to cancel a manually-initiated Malware Scan is queued to be sent.
Malware Manual Scan Cancellation In ProgressThe instruction to cancel a manually-initiated Malware Scan has been sent.
Malware Manual Scan Cancellation Pending (Offline)The Appliance is offline. The instruction to cancel a manually-initiated Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Scheduled Scan PendingThe instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan has not yet been sent.
Malware Scheduled Scan QueuedThe instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan is queued.
Malware Scheduled Scan In ProgressA scheduled Malware Scan is in progress.
Malware Scheduled Scan PausedA scheduled Malware Scan has been paused.
Malware Scheduled Scan Cancellation PendingThe instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan is queued to be sent.
Malware Scheduled Scan Cancellation In ProgressThe instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan has been sent.
Malware Scheduled Scan Cancellation Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is offline. The instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Manual Scan Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is offline. The instruction to start a manually-initiated Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Scheduled Scan Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is offline. The instruction to start a scheduled Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Update of Anti-Malware Components Pending (Offline)The Agent/Appliance is offline. The Agent/Appliance will be updated with the latest Anti-Malware Components when communication is reestablished.
Update of Anti-Malware Components Pending (Heartbeat)The Agent/Appliance will be updated with the latest Anti-Malware Components at the next heartbeat.
Update of Anti-Malware Components Pending (Schedule)Anti-Malware Components will be updated as soon as the computer's access schedule permits.
Update of Anti-Malware Components PendingThe instruction to update Anti-Malware Components is queued to be sent.
Update of Anti-Malware Components In ProgressThe Agent/Appliance is being updated with the latest Anti-Malware Components.
Agent StateDescription
ActivatedThe Agent/Appliance has been successfully activated and is ready to be managed by the Deep Security Manager.
Activation RequiredAn unactivated Agent/Appliance has been detected on the target machine. It must be activated before it can be managed by the Deep Security Manager.
VM StoppedThe virtual machine is in a "stopped" state.
VM PausedThe virtual machine is in a "paused" state.
No Agent/ApplianceNo Agent/Appliance was detected on the ESX server.
UnknownNo attempt has been made to determine whether an Agent/Appliance is present.
Deactivation RequiredThe Manager has attempted to activate an Agent/Appliance that has already been activated by another Deep Security Manager. The original Deep Security Manager must deactivate the Agent Appliance before it can be activated by the new Manager.
Reactivation RequiredThe Agent/Appliance is installed and listening and is waiting to be reactivated a Deep Security Manager.
OnlineThe Agent/Appliance is online and operating as expected.
OfflineNo contact has been made with the Agent for the number of heartbeats specified in Policy/Computer Editor > Settings > Computers tab.
Error StateDescription
Communication errorGeneral network error
No route to computerTypically the remote host cannot be reached because of an intervening firewall or if an intermediate router is down.
Unable to resolve hostnameUnresolved socket address.
Activation requiredAn instruction was sent to the Agent/Appliance when it was not yet activated.
Unable to communicate with Agent/ApplianceUnable to communicate with Agent/Appliance.
Protocol errorCommunication failure at the HTTP layer.
Deactivation RequiredThe Agent/Appliance is currently activated by another Deep Security Manager.
No Agent/ApplianceNo Agent/Appliance was detected on the target.
No valid software versionIndicates that no installer can be found for the platform/version requested.
Send software failedThere was an error in sending a binary package to the computer.
Internal errorInternal error. Please contact your support provider.
Duplicate ComputerTwo computers in the Manager's Computers list share the same IP address.