To perfrom this task:
- Log on to the AC Server and copy the “” from product installation folder.
- Extract the tool to any temporary folder on the endpoint where a SHA1 hash list will be made. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) on the endpoint if you receive the following error while running the tool:
- Open a command prompt with elevated privilege and use any of the following commands to start using the tool:
- Replace the list of SHA1 hashes in the rule named "My Software Library" with the SHA1 hashes of all files matching "" below "C:\my-software"
HashListImporter.bat Perform "Server=my-host" “PORT=http_port” "Password=changeit" "SourcePath=C:\my-software" "Rule=My Software Library"
where:- my-host is the AC Server name or the FQDN
- http_port is the backend server port (8080 by default)
- Perform the same step above but create the rule "My Software Library" if missing.
HashListImporter.bat Perform "Server=my-host" "Password=changeit" "SourcePath=C:\my-software" "Rule=My Software Library" "Create=true"
- Create a hash list but do not import it.
HashListImporter.bat List "SourcePath=C:\my-software"
- Import a previously created hash list into the specified rule.
HashListImporter.bat Import "Server=my-host" "Password=changeit" "Rule=My Software Library"
- Replace the list of SHA1 hashes in the rule named "My Software Library" with the SHA1 hashes of all files matching "" below "C:\my-software"
For more information about the tool and other available commands, run the HashListImporter.bat file:
For further assistance, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.