
To perfrom this task:

  1. Log on to the AC Server and copy the “” from product installation folder.

    installation folder

  2. Extract the tool to any temporary folder on the endpoint where a SHA1 hash list will be made.
    Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) on the endpoint if you receive the following error while running the tool:


  3. Open a command prompt with elevated privilege and use any of the following commands to start using the tool:
    • Replace the list of SHA1 hashes in the rule named "My Software Library" with the SHA1 hashes of all files matching "" below "C:\my-software"

      HashListImporter.bat Perform "Server=my-host" “PORT=http_port” "Password=changeit" "SourcePath=C:\my-software" "Rule=My Software Library"

      • my-host is the AC Server name or the FQDN
      • http_port is the backend server port (8080 by default)
      To know the backend server port, login to the Web Management Console and look for the Server HTTP address in the Dashboard.


    • Perform the same step above but create the rule "My Software Library" if missing.

      HashListImporter.bat Perform "Server=my-host" "Password=changeit" "SourcePath=C:\my-software" "Rule=My Software Library" "Create=true"

    • Create a hash list but do not import it.

      HashListImporter.bat List "SourcePath=C:\my-software"

    • Import a previously created hash list into the specified rule.

      HashListImporter.bat Import "Server=my-host" "Password=changeit" "Rule=My Software Library"

For more information about the tool and other available commands, run the HashListImporter.bat file:


For further assistance, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.