To resolve the issue, configure the SSL setting before you register the EAC agent to the EAC server. 
  1. Deploy the public key.
    1. Go to ..\Endpoint Application Control\SSLCerts\CA\.
    2. Copy the public key certificate TMAC_CA_Cert.pem and save it on the desktop.
    3. Rename the TMAC_CA_Cert.pem file to a .CER file (TM-CA.cer).
  2. Configure the MMC snap-in.
    1. Go to the Start menu, run "mmc" and press Enter.
    2. Select File > Add/Remove Snap-Ins.
    3. Choose Certificates and then click Add >.
      Select the certificate
    4. Under Computer Account, select the account that you want to modify.
    5. Click Next to finish the configuration.
  3. Import the public Certificate Authority (CA) key certificate.
    1. In the MMC, go to Certificates and right-click Trusted Root Certificate Authorities/Certificates.
      Import public CA key 
    2. On the Context menu, click All Tasks > Import.
    3. Select the previously exported public key file that contains the TM-CA.cer file and import it.
    4. Verify that the CA is imported to the trust store.
Open a web browser on the endpoint whose trust store was just modified and open the EAC web console. If the modification to the trust store is successful, the browser should not show any certificate warnings.
Make sure to open the Backend page when testing whether the HTTPS verification is successful and that the HTTPS support was enabled only for the backend during the installation. Click the Installation Instructions link in the log in page or click the Backend Server Address links in the System Summary widget.
Backend links