
Remote Manager lets you generate, download, and automatically send out reports.

Reports provide an overview of license status, assessment results, threat incidents, major threats, and the most affected computers, files and email addresses in your customers’ networks.

Reports include a range of statistics from Worry-Free Business Security (WFBS) and Hosted Email Security (HES). Remote Manager allows for report profiles, one-time and periodic reports, date ranges, and multiple email recipients. Remote Manager also saves the 30 most recent daily reports, ten most recent weekly reports, and five most recent monthly reports. General reports are suitable for resellers and customers. Detailed reports are suitable for resellers and partners.

Report profiles enable you to create multiple reports from a single profile. For example, you can create a one-time report today, generate that report, and tomorrow, change some options and regenerate without having to recreate the entire report .Remote Manager currently supports general and detailed reports.

Creating Reports

To create a new report template, refer to the following topic: Creating Reports

Viewing Reports

To view a report, refer to the following topic: Viewing Reports.

Editing Reports

Go to Reports > {report name} and then refer to the following procedure: Editing Reports

Downloading and Sending Reports

To download and send reports, refer to the followig topic: Downloading and Sending Reports.

Subscribing to Reports

To subscribe to reports, refer to the following topic: Subscribing to Reports.