To resolve the issue, upgrade nginx.exe:
  1. Disable the agent self-protection feature. To do this:
    1. Log in to the DSM console.
    2. Go to Computers and click the machine details, then click Settings > System Settings > Computer.
    3. Under Agent Self Protection, do either of the following:
      • Set a password for local override.
      • Untick the option Prevent local end-users from uninstalling, stopping, or otherwise modifying the Agent, or set it to No.
      If the Deep Security Agent (DSA) is not connected or is configured with agent-initiated communication, reset the DSA to the reset the agent configuration, including the agent self-protection feature. To do this, run the following on the command line:
      C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent> dsa_control /r
  2. Stop the Trend Micro Deep Security Relay service.
  3. Download the latest version of nginx.exe from nginx.
  4. Extract the file to a temporary folder.
  5. Back up then replace C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Relay\nginx.exe with the updated version.
  6. Start the Trend Micro Deep Security Relay service.
If the issue continues even with the higher build, enable debug on nginx.exe:
  1. Set error_log to debug mode:
    1. Go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Relay\relay.
    2. Open the nginx.conf file.
    3. Look for “error_log” and set the line to:
      error_log "C:/Program Files/Trend Micro/Deep Security Relay/relay/logs/error.log debug";
    4. Save the changes.
  2. Generate a diagnostic package for the DSR. Follow the procedure in getting a DSM diagnostic package in this KB article: Creating Deep Security 9.0 diagnostic package.
  3. Submit the files to Trend Micro Technical Support.