
For kernel memory allocation, calculate the DSA filter driver memory using the following procedure:

  1. Transfer the to a target computer protected by DSA.
  2. Decompress the ZIP file using this command:


  3. After getting the dsa_kmu file, assign it the executable privilege using the command below:

    chmod +x dsa_kmu

  4. Start all the production applications.
  5. To get the current memory utilization of the DSA filter driver, run the following script:


    The ./dsa_kmu command only gets the current memory allocation of the DSA filter driver. To continuously monitor the memory utilization, combine ./dsa_kmu script with other command. Below is an example:

    watch -n 1 ./dsa_kmu

User memory space is managed by Linux kernel, so the memory usage of applications such as DSA may be swapped out. You can still get an estimated memory usage based on the total established TCP and UDP connection numbers. Below is the formula:

512 bytes *(Maximum TCP Connections + Maximum UDP Connections)