- Edit /opt/trend/imss/UI/php/conf/widget.conf as:
Listen XXXX
<VirtualHost *:XXXX>
ServerName yyy.yyy.yy.yy
DocumentRoot /opt/trend/imss/UI/adminUI/ROOT/
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl.key/server.key
JkMount /* ajp13
JkUnMount /widget/* ajp13
</VirtualHost>Where XXXX is the port that you want to use.Note: Make sure that the port you are going to use is not used by other processes. To verify if the port you are using is available, use the command:# netstat -anp | grep :XXXX - Run the command:
#/opt/TrendMicro/GoldenGate/bin/fwPortConf add tcp XXXX.
- Restart the admin console using the command:
#S99ADMINUI restart
- Log in to https://<IMSVA IP address>:XXXX. Your management console port is now modified.