To enable Anti-Malware debug log in DSVA 9.5:
  1. Log in to the DSVA console.
  2. Press ALT + F2 to open the non-graphical console.
  3. Enter the following credentials:
    username: dsva
    password by default: dsva
  4. Switch to root with using the following command:
    sudo -s
  5. To increase the debug level of Anti-Malware, run the following command: 
    killall -USR1 ds_am
  6. In DSVA 9.5, there is no output for the command in Step 5 to tell the current debug level. To know the current debug level, check the AM log file: /var/opt/ds_agent/diag/ds_am.log. Look for the "debug_level changed" keyword. For example:
    2014-11-12 09:36:11.533774: [ds_am/0] | debug_level changed: 8->7  | main.cpp:978:dec_debug_level | 65C:65C:957::

    2014-11-12 09:36:11.534175: [ds_am/0] | debug_level changed: 7->6  | main.cpp:978:dec_debug_level | 65C:65C:958::

    2014-11-12 09:36:12.542703: [ds_am/0] | debug_level changed: 6->5  | main.cpp:978:dec_debug_level | 65C:65C:959::

  7. To easily monitor the debug level change, open another screen and run the following command with root privilege:
    tail -f /var/opt/ds_agent/diag/ds_am.log  | grep "debug_level changed"
  8. For real-time scan related issues, increase the debug level to eight (8) or higher. After reproducing the issue, decrease the debug level to five (5) or lower using the "killall -USR2 ds_am" command.
  9. Create a diagnostic package for the DSVA and the debug log will be included in the diagnostic package.