
To rollback the OSCE agent:

  1. Navigate to \Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Download\Rollback folder and make sure that it contains the following client backup files:
    • server.ini
    • RollbackPackages

    Client Backup files under Rollback folder

  2. Configure the agents to use the Rollback folder in the previous step to be the agent's update source.
    1. Log on to the OSCE management console.
    2. Go to Updates > Agents > Update Source.
    3. Mark the Customized Update Source option.
    4. Under the Customized Update Source List section, click Add.
    5. Enter the range of the IP addresses of the agents that should be rolled back.
    6. Set the appropriate update source:
      • For Virtual Website, use the URL below as an update source:

        http://[Server Hostnmae]:8080/officescan/download/Rollback

        Update Source for Virtual Website

      • For Default Website, use the following update source:

        http://[Server Hostname]/officescan/download/Rollback

        Update Source for Default Website

    7. Save the changes.
  3. Click Notify All Agents. The agents will call the patch agent to uninstall and then reinstall the old agent version.

If the agent disappeared and the previous version was not installed, perform the following procedure to continue the installation:

  1. Restart the machine.
  2. Delete the client folder.
  3. Go to C:\temp\OSCEROBK folder.
  4. Double-click the ClientRollback.exe file and run as administrator.

The old version and build number of the agent should now be restored.