To gather CDT logs:
- On the command line, enter “#cd /opt/trend/imss/cdt” to go to the cdt directory under IMSS_HOME.
- Enter “#./cdt” to run cdt.
- Press Y to accept the Legal Agreement.
- Press 1 to select Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite 7.1.
- Press A to select all the items on the list, or as instructed by Trend Micro Technical Support.
- Press S to save and continue.
- Press S to confirm the selected items and continue.
- Enter the problem description and press CRTL-D.
The generated logs will contain this problem description as well as the selections gathered in Step 5. These gathered information can be seen in the file ReadmeFirst.txt.
- Press Enter to save the logs in the default destination, /opt/trend/imss/cdt.
- Confirm the start of debug monitoring process:
- Press Y (Yes) to select debug logging.
- Press N (No) to select normal logging.
If debug logging is selected, once the monitoring process has begun, reproduce the issue where it is appropriate. Once the issue has been reproduced, select Enter after a minimum of 5 minutes to stop the collection process. - Press 1, 2 or 3 to select log information timeframe that you prefer to collect.
- A zip file containing the diagnostic information will be created in the directory /opt/trend/imss/cdt/CDT_Data/ .