
To gather CDT logs:

  1. On the command line, enter “#cd /opt/trend/imss/cdt” to go to the cdt directory under IMSS_HOME.
  2. Enter “#./cdt” to run cdt.
  3. Press to accept the Legal Agreement.

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  4. Press to select Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite 7.1.

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  5. Press to select all the items on the list, or as instructed by Trend Micro Technical Support.

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  6. Press S to save and continue.
  7. Press to confirm the selected items and continue.

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  8. Enter the problem description and press CRTL-D.

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    The generated logs will contain this problem description as well as the selections gathered in Step 5. These gathered information can be seen in the file ReadmeFirst.txt.
  9. Press Enter to save the logs in the default destination, /opt/trend/imss/cdt.
  10. Confirm the start of debug monitoring process:
    • Press Y (Yes) to select debug logging.
    • Press N (No) to select normal logging.
    If debug logging is selected, once the monitoring process has begun, reproduce the issue where it is appropriate. Once the issue has been reproduced, select Enter after a minimum of 5 minutes to stop the collection process.

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  11. Press 1, 2 or to select log information timeframe that you prefer to collect.

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  12. A zip file containing the diagnostic information will be created in the directory /opt/trend/imss/cdt/CDT_Data/ .

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