
As a workaround, exclude the following folders and files from real-time scan:

This Knowledge Base article will ask you to lower the security settings of your computer, making it vulnerable to malware. Make sure to take the necessary steps to keep your machine protected.
  • Default virtual machine configuration directory (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V)
  • Custom virtual machine configuration directories
  • Default virtual hard disk drive directory (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks)
  • Custom virtual hard disk drive directories
  • Snapshot directories
  • Vmms.exe
    This may need to be configured as a process exclusion.
  • Vmwp.exe
    This may need to be configured as a process exclusion.
For other issues resolved by scan exclusions in Hyper-V environments, refer to this Microsoft article.